mercoledì 5 novembre 2014

My gap year (after my exams)

After my exams I'm going to travel for example in Milan or London, Paris, Australia, Germany, Spain, Los Vegas and New York. But first I need to look for a job in order to get some money for the tickets and then for a hotel to sleep. 

    The first city that I want to visit is New York, so I put my back pack and go there. I'm going to leave my town after the summer. Then I'm going to stay there for about three months and come back here for Christmas. I don't know if I'm going to go to NY alone or with someone else, anyway it will be a good experience.

    Then I want to go to the so called "Sin City", Los Vegas, because I'm really curious to visit all the places there. I'm going to leave with my friends and I'm going to stay there about three weeks.

    Finally, I'm going to go to London
    with my friends or my sisters, for one month.

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