venerdì 13 febbraio 2015

New Years Resolution? ...

We started another year, and as usual, there are new years resolution. 

Popular New Year Resolution:
1. Lose weight
2. Volunteer to help others 
3. Quit smoking
4. Manage stress
5. Manage debt
6. Reduce, reuse and recycle
7. Get a better job
8. Stay more time with the family
9. Save money
10. Take a trip
11. Eat healthy food
12. Drink less alcohol.

Here there are some of mine. Good reading. :) 

1. Lose weight (again)
2. Learn something new.
3. Stop being lazy
4. Save money.
5. Get fit (I hope!)
8. Travel a lot
9. Read more books
10. Eat less junk food
11. Be organized
12. Manage stress.

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